Martial Law of 1981

Concept Explanation

Martial Law of 1981

Martial Law of 1981: In December 1981, the government led by General Jaruzelski imposed Martial Law. There was widespread corruption and mismanagement in Poland. Thousands of Solidarity members were put in prison. Under the Martial law, freedoms to organise, protest and express opinions were taken away.

Another wave of strikes was organised by Solidarity in 1988. This time the Polish Government was weaker, the support from Soviet Union uncertain and the economy was in decline. This resulted in negotiations for free elections between Walesa and the Polish Government which led to an agreement for free elections in April 1989. Solidarity contested all 100 seats for the Senate and won 99 of them. Lech Walesa became the President of Poland in October 1990. It was the first election in Poland in which more than one party took part.


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